FOI release

GIS Dataset Request

Case reference FOI2019/00142

Published 25 July 2019


Would it be possible for you to send me any GIS data you hold on the following:

Conservation Areas

Local Wildlife Sites

Local Nature Reserves Landscape

Character Areas

District Boundaries

Public Rights of Way

Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs)

And any other areas of designated green space or landscape value.


You can access our GIS data directly by using our Guildford INSPIRE data source:

The INSPIRE services provides a WFS & WMS URL which you can use to load the data into a GIS like QGIS or ArcGIS. As you asked for Shapefiles I would recommend using our WFS URL to load the layers you need then convert them to the format you require.

The WFS URL is:

To help you find some layers on the WFS:

  • Landscape Character Areas - layers are prefixed with "LCA…"
  • TPOs - this layer is called "Tree Preservation Orders"

The only layers you requested which we are not able to provide are:

  • Local Wildlife sites (we have no GIS data for this)
  • District Boundaries (This is Ordnance Survey data so you should access this via a source such as )
  • Public Rights of Way (This data is owned by Surrey County Council so you should request the data direct from them -


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