FOI release

New builds and s106 agreements

Case reference FOI2019/00623

Published 9 July 2019


Q1: In each of the following financial years: 2015-16 2016-17 2018-19 Please state for each year: a) how many (number) of homes have been approved to be built b) how many (number) of these were affordable homes

Q2: What was your affordable housing target expressed as a percentage for each of the years in question 1.

Q3: How many Section 106 agreements have agreed with developers in each of the financial years specified in question 1.

Q4: How many of these Section 106 agreements successfully resulted in the loss or gain in the number of affordable homes?

Q5: For each financial year, please state: a) The total number of affordable homes that have been lost or gained as a result of the renegotiations b) How this compares with the number originally specified.


Q1: In each of the following financial years:


Please state for each year:
a) how many (number) of homes have been approved to be built
b) how many (number) of these were affordable homes

This data is published in the Council's (2017/18) Annual Monitoring Report,

Data for 2018/19 is not yet available.

Q2: What was your affordable housing target expressed as a percentage for each of the years in question 1.

Prior to the submission (Dec 2017) of our new Local Plan the target was 35%, following submission and subsequent adoption it is 40%.

Q3: How many Section 106 agreements have agreed with developers in each of the financial years specified in question 1.

The number of Section 106 Agreements agreed are published in the Council's Annual Monitoring report and can be found here,, under the Section 106 Annual Review section.

The data for 2018/19 has not yet been published, however I can confirm that we have agreed 120 Section 106 Agreement between 01/04/2018 and 31/03/2019.

Q4: How many of these Section 106 agreements successfully resulted in the loss or gain in the number of affordable homes

Section 106 Agreements secure what has been negotiated, therefore it is not true to say that they result in a loss or gain of affordable housing.

Q5: For each financial year, please state:

a) The total number of affordable homes that have been lost or gained as a result of the renegotiations

b) How this compares with the number originally specified.

Zero - we haven't renegotiated any agreements


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