FOI release

Electric Vehicle Charge points

Case reference FOI2020/00208

Published 19 March 2020


1. How many electric vehicle charging points have the council installed in the local authority? (split slow/medium/fast)

2. How many do you plan to install over the next year? (split slow/medium/fast)

3. How much has currently been budgeted for electric vehicle infrastructure?

4. Are you receiving funding/grants for electric vehicle infrastructure from central government?

5. Are you paying for the capital expenditure of the electric vehicle infrastructure EV points or is it are they being installed for free as part of a profit share/rental model?

6. If you have paid for the capital expenditure, are you generating a profit?

7. Are you able to provide any usage data for the chargepoints installed?


1. How many electric vehicle charging points have the council installed in the local authority? (split slow/medium/fast)

14 units (medium) with a total of 25 charge points (11 dual units)

2. How many do you plan to install over the next year? (split slow/medium/fast) - 5 dual units (medium) 2 fast units

3. How much has currently been budgeted for electric vehicle infrastructure? - £73k

4. Are you receiving funding/grants for electric vehicle infrastructure from central government? Yes each installation receives a grant, towards the cost, currently £500 per unit

5. Are you paying for the capital expenditure of the electric vehicle infrastructure EV points or is it are they being installed for free as part of a profit share/rental model? - Yes we are paying

6. If you have paid for the capital expenditure, are you generating a profit? No

7. Are you able to provide any usage data for the chargepoints installed? In the last year to the 13th March 2020 we have had 2389 charging events at our units.


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