FOI release

Council Project Budget

Case reference FOI2019/00276

Published 25 July 2019


In the case of each of these four projects, I would like to know which councillor was responsible, what was the total budget approved by the council, and what was the actual cost to the taxpayer: Walnut Tree Close Footbridge Paving to Tunsgate Pop Up Village Sustainable Movement Corridor


I thought it would be useful, in addition to the financial information you requested, to add a little context to both the Walnut Bridge and Sustainable Movement Corridor infrastructure projects. The two schemes were developed following the Guildford Town and Approaches Movement Study 2015 and other studies carried out as part of the evidence base for the Local Plan. The local plan and its evidence base has been subject to consultation as part of the plan and was subject to public inquiry by the planning inspector as part of the local plan inspection. As such, the need for the schemes are well documented and the development of the business cases have been subject to significant review and approval procedures by Surrey County Council and the EM3 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) as well as Guildford Borough Council's approval process.

I have attempted to set out the information you requested in logical format, but please contact me again if any of the detail isn't clear, or you require clarification.

Walnut Tree Close Footbridge

Lead Councillor: Cllr Matt Furniss [Deputy Leader of the Council and Lead Councillor for Infrastructure and Governance]

Approved Capital Scheme Budget: £3,341,000 [The EM3 Local Enterprise Partnership are contributing £1,535,000 towards the cost shown, and the council will apply S106 developer contributions of £114,000.

Provisional Capital Scheme Budget: n/a

Total Approved and Provisional Scheme Budget: £3,341,000

Scheme/Project Expenditure to date: £1,320,000

Narrative: Costs incurred relate to consultant, legal advice, salaries and land acquisition.

Sustainable Movement Corridor

Lead Councillor: Cllr Matt Furniss [Deputy Leader of the Council and Lead Councillor for Infrastructure and Governance]

Approved Capital Scheme Budget: £3,850,000 [The EM3 Local Enterprise Partnership are contributing £2,725,000 towards the cost shown]

Provisional Capital Scheme Budget: £6,045,000 [for future phases, subject of a report and committee approval to transfer to the approved programme. A bid will be submitted to the LEP to attract funding for future phases]

Total Approved and Provisional Programme Budget: £9,895,000

Scheme/Project Expenditure to date: £216,000

Narrative: Relates to consultant, legal advice, salaries and contractor costs.

Revenue Budget

2017-18 £140,000

2018-19 £200,000

LEP funding received £173,000

Total Revenue Budget £513,000

Expenditure to date £351,000

Narrative: Consultant, LEP fees, legal and salaries.

Tunsgate Project

Lead Councillor: Cllr Matt Furniss [Deputy Leader of the Council and Lead Councillor for Infrastructure and Governance]

Approved Capital Scheme Budget: £835,000

Scheme/Project Expenditure to date: £865,165

Narrative: Expenditure includes site clearance, fencing & security, drainage, earthworks, kerbs/setts/pavement, lighting and variations.

The Village

Lead Councillor: Cllr David Bilbe [Lead Councillor for Enterprise and Economic Development]

Approved Capital Scheme Budget: £795,000

Capital Receipt: £134,000

Net Capital Scheme Cost: £661,000

Narrative: Expenditure includes containers, groundwork and infrastructure, salaries, consultancy costs and site relaunch. The capital receipt relates to disposal proceeds from the containers.

Revenue Budget

Total Revenue Budget: £327,312

Actual expenditure: £465,531

Narrative: Expenditure relating to event costs, business rates, utilities, staff costs, marketing and telecoms.


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