FOI release

Social Housing statistics

Case reference FOI2023/00508

Received 2 May 2023

Published 3 June 2024


See below.


  1. What is the process for procuring social housing within your council area?

This is principally undertaken by Registered Providers (RPs) through their own development processes. In addition Section 106 agreements provide opportunities for RP's and the Council to acquire additional units.


  1. What criteria are used to determine eligibility for social housing?

These are set out in our Housing Allocations Scheme page 7, from 4.1 (as attached).


  1. How many social housing units has your council procured in the past year?

This information is publicly available on the government website’s Local Authority Housing Data section:

Local authority housing data - GOV.UK (

Local authority housing statistics data returns for 2021 to 2022 - GOV.UK (



Additionally, I would like to request information on the number of homes your council owns and maintains. Specifically, I would like to know:


  1. How many homes does your council currently own and maintain?

This information is publicly available on the government website’s Local Authority Housing Data section:

Local authority housing data - GOV.UK (


  1. What is the breakdown of these homes by type (e.g. social housing, affordable housing, market-rate housing, etc.)?

This information is publicly available on the government website (see above).


  1. What is the average age of these homes?

64 years and 3 months


  1. How much does your council spend annually on maintaining these homes?

This information is publicly available on the government website (see above).


  1. Who is in charge of maintaining these homes and is it possible to have their contact details 

This is done internally through the Council and through procured works brought off the Council's supplier framework.



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