FOI release

Municipal waste collections information

Case reference FOI2020/00352

Published 3 April 2020


Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I kindly request the following information in the context of domestic waste bin/sack collection services, as opposed to trade/commercial collections or waste disposal.

1. Are you currently in a partnership with other councils for waste IT system operations or procurement? If in a partnership please name the partner councils?

2. Do you currently operate waste services (collections) directly, or through a waste contractor such as Biffa, Suez or Veolia. If through a contractor, please name them.

3. Which of the IT systems below do you use for the management of day to day municipal bin collections: a. Yotta b. Bartec Collective c. AMCS Clear d. Whitespace/Powersuite e. Contender/Swift Datapro/Agile f. Selected Interventions / Echo g. Core (Suez) h. Webaspx i. Microsoft Excel or similar j. No IT system k. Other: [please name] Response.....

4. When is your current contract for the IT system OR outsourced waste contract for waste collections management due to expire?


1. Are you currently in a partnership with other councils for waste IT system operations or procurement?


2. Do you currently operate waste services (collections) directly, or through a waste contractor such as Biffa, Suez or Veolia. If through a contractor, please name them.

We operate waste services directly.

3. Which of the IT systems below do you use for the management of day to day municipal bin collections:

Bartec Collective

4. When is your current contract for the IT system OR outsourced waste contract for waste collections management due to expire?

Our IT systems contract runs for another three years.


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