FOI release

Use of Glyphosate as Weed Killer

Case reference FOI2019/01169

Published 8 November 2019


1. Do you use Glyphosate? 2. What is the product name of the Glyphosate you use? 3. What quantity so you purchase annually? 4. Where do you apply Glyphosate? 5. Are you actively avoiding the use of this near to play areas, school, hospitals etc? 6. Do you receive any complaints/concerns about the level of Glyphosate use? 7. Do you have a policy over the use of Pesticide/herbicide? 8. Have you tried any alternatives to the use of Glyphosate? 9. How effective have these alternatives been?


1. Do you use Glyphosate? Yes

2. Product names: Monsanto Amenity Glyphosate; Roundup Provantage; Nomix Hilite; Nomix Dual; Nomix G; Nomix Ecoplug; Glyphosate 360; Reaper; Garlon Ultra.

3. What quantity do you purchase annually?


No Mix Dual 200 Litres

Ecoplugs 150

No Mix G 65 Litres

Monsanto Amenity purchased 10 Litres for the use over 5 years

No mix hilite 1 Litre

Roundup 1 Litre

Glyphosate 360 1 Litre

Garlon Ultra 1 Litre

Reaper 1 Litre

4. Where do you apply Glyphosate? Footpaths, hardstandings, garage compounds, tree stumps, Japanese knotweed, Bracken, Knotweed, Skunk Cabbage, and Crassula Control Control

5. Are you actively avoiding the use of this near to play areas, school, hospitals etc? No.

6. Do you receive any complaints/concerns about the level of Glyphosate use? We have not had complaints about the level of use.

7. Do you have a policy over the use of Pesticide/herbicide? Yes - Code of practice for the safe use of pesticides.

8. Have you tried any alternatives to the use of Glyphosate? No. Site management plans include aim to reduce pesticides.

We are contracted by Surrey County Council to treat the highway gullies and footways. We sub contract this out to a company called Complete Weed Control South east (CWC SE).

As they apply Glyphosate on behalf of us in the Guildford Borough it is appropriate to include answers in regards to this contract.

Do you use Glyphosate?


What is the product name of the Glyphosate you use?

Monsanto Amenity Glyphosate XL

What quantity so you purchase annually?

CWC SE have a number of contracts throughout the area so it would not be relevant to Guildford Borough how much they purchase annually.

They carry out two treatments on the borough's highway gullies and footways per year.

They applied;

First treatment = 148.1 litres

Second treatment = 180.25 litres

Where do you apply Glyphosate?

Highway gullies and footways

Are you actively avoiding the use of this near to play areas, school, hospitals etc?

CWC do not treat any school grounds, play areas or hospital grounds on our behalf. They do treat highway gullies and footways outside schools and avoid times where it is start/finish times at these locations.

Do you receive any complaints/concerns about the level of Glyphosate use?

Not about the level of use

Do you have a policy over the use of Pesticide/herbicide?

SCC Agency Agreement

Code of Practice for safe Use of Pesticides


Have you tried any alternatives to the use of Glyphosate?


How effective have these alternatives been?



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