FOI release

Community Asset Transfer/Assets of Community Value

Case reference FOI2019/00933

Published 12 December 2019


1. Does the authority have a published Community Asset Transfer* policy?

*Community Asset Transfer enables local authorities to transfer the ownership/management of their assets to community organisations at less than full market value in order to achieve a defined public benefit.

a). If yes, please provide a web-link to the policy.

b). If no, is Community Asset Transfer (CAT) integrated into another policy within your local authority - such as wider asset management strategies or VCSE (voluntary, community and social enterprise) policies? Please provide a web-link to this, if so.

c). If no, does the authority have a CAT policy that is not-published / only available on request? Please provide a copy if available, if so.

2. If the authority has a CAT policy (whether integrated into another strategy or a non-published policy), when was this last updated or reviewed? The volume of Community Asset Transfer over the last five years

3. How many land or building assets has the authority transferred to community ownership* through Community Asset Transfer in the following time periods (financial years): 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18, and 2018/19?

* For the purpose of this question, please provide the number of assets that have been transferred using the General Disposal Consent (England) 2003 (Local Government Act 1972), which enables the transfer of assets at less than best or nil consideration to achieve a defined community benefit.

4. Of those assets that have been transferred, how many are on:

a) A freehold agreement

b) A long lease of at least 25 years or more

c) A lease of between 5 years and 25 years

d) A lease of less than 5 years. Please provide this information for the same time periods as Q3 if possible.

5. Currently, how many land or building assets does the authority own in total? Please exclude social housing assets from this total.

6. How many of the authority's land and building assets are currently identified as potential assets available for CAT?


I can confirm that we hold information relating to Assets of Community Value but not Community Asset Transfer. We would respond as follows:

1. We do not have a published CAT policy.

a). N/A

b). No

c). No

2. N/A

3. Nil

4. a), b), c), d) N/A

5. 593

6. We do not review assets in the way you describe.


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