FOI release

Planning Appeals - cost applications made and settled by agreement between appellants and Council

This request was refused in full, so we didn't provide the information the requester asked for. This may include information where we can neither confirm nor deny that we hold it.

Case reference EIR2018/00153

Published 8 November 2018


Request for information The Council publishes on its website the agendas and minutes for all planning committee meetings. Generally the final item concerns planning appeals, both allowed and dismissed. In addition and where appropriate, there is a summary of Inspector's decisions in related cases where appellants have made an application for costs. Only a relatively small number of cost applications succeed as they are limited to "unreasonable behaviour" by one of the parties. An even smaller number of decisions include a "full award of costs". When an award is made against the Council, it is assumed that the costs of officers' "unreasonable behaviour" are borne by Council Tax payers. Therefore, there is clear public interest in disclosing the actual costs. It is understood of course that any information should be anonymised. Request for information For the combined years 2015, 2016 and 2017, please state:

1. How many cost applications for a "full award" have been made and settled by agreement between the appellants and the Council? On the assumption that the total number exceeds six, please state:

2. The average value (£) of the lowest three final agreed settlements.

3. The average value (£) of the highest three settlements In the event that there have been less than 6 settlements

4. Please state the amount of each of those settlements.


We have considered your request for how many cost applications have been made and settled by agreement between the appellants and the Council.

This request is exempt under Regulation 6 of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 because the information is publicly available and accessible on our website. The information requested can be found on our website -

Planning Committee on Wednesday, 3rd January, 2018 - Development Management Performance for 2017.


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