FOI release


Case reference FOI2019/00897

Published 5 September 2019


1. The total number of new homes of any tenure completed by the council in the past five years (beginning of 2014/15 - end of 2018/19)

2. Over the same period, the number of new homes completed within the HRA, broken down by tenure (e.g. social rent, affordable rent, shared ownership, etc)

3. Over the same period, the number of new homes completed within a Local Housing Company, broken down by tenure (this includes joint ventures)

4. Over the same period, the number of new homes completed directly through the General Fund, broken down by tenure

5. The number of homes the council intends to develop over the next five years through the HRA (2019/20 - 2023/24) 7. The number of homes the council intends to develop over the next five years through a housing company

6. The number of homes the council intends to develop over the next five years through the General Fund

7. An estimate of the total amount of council investment required to deliver the plans referred to in questions 6-8, if available. Please note that questions refer only to homes built, not acquisitions. In cases where demolition occurred, please try to count net additions. e.g. 10 homes demolished and 15 built in their place where possible = 5 homes delivered.


  • We have just reached our 100th property completion
  • 100 units for social rent only to date
  • 0 units via our Housing Company
  • 0 units
  • -
  • 162 properties (inc private sale/affordable/social rent units) planned for construction over the next 2 years. No specific number over a 5 year period as the Council is actively looking for opportunities.
  • None planned at present
  • None planned at present.
  • Not available
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