FOI release

Deliverable Housing Sites under National Planning Policy Framework

Case reference FOI2020/00345

Published 20 April 2020


1) For purposes of decision-taking (determining planning applications), is the Authority currently able to demonstrate a five-year supply of deliverable housing sites (with the appropriate buffer, as set out in paragraph 73 of the National Planning Policy Framework?

2) What is the level (expressed in years) of the council's current supply of deliverable housing sites? 3) What is the appropriate buffer applicable to the council's supply?

4) Has a Planning Inspector or Inspectors confirmed, rejected or determined the current position referred to in Questions 1 and 2 in determining any appeals?

5) If so, would you please be kind enough to provide the appeal reference number(s)?

6) When is the authority's new local development plan anticipated to be ready to be adopted?


1. For purposes of decision-taking (determining planning applications), is the Authority currently able to demonstrate a five-year supply of deliverable housing sites (with the appropriate buffer, as set out in paragraph 73 of the National Planning Policy Framework? Yes

2. What is the level (expressed in years) of the council's current supply of deliverable housing sites?

The current 5-year Housing Land Supply position is 6.84 years.

3. What is the appropriate buffer applicable to the council's supply?

This includes a buffer of 20% to the housing requirement.

The Council's Land Availability Assessment, which is available online here:

4. Has a Planning Inspector or Inspectors confirmed, rejected or determined the current position referred to in Questions 1 and 2 in determining any appeals?

The 5 year Housing Land Supply has not been disputed in an Appeal to date.

5. If so, would you please be kind enough to provide the appeal reference number(s)? N/A

6. When is the authority's new local development plan anticipated to be ready to be adopted?

The Local Development Scheme currently outlines the timetable for the Development Management Policies Local Plan. This states adoption is anticipated for September 2022. However, please note that this plan does not include strategic policies, including a housing requirement.


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