FOI release

Littering and Dog Fouling Fixed Penalty Notices

Case reference FOI2019/00052

Published 27 February 2019


1. Which department is responsible for enforcing against littering?

2. Do you use a private company to enforce against littering?

3. If you answered yes to question 2, could you confirm the name of the private company?

4. What is the full price of a Littering Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN)?

5. Do you have a discounted price for a littering FPN and if yes, how long is the discounted period? e.g. The FPN will be discounted to £50 if paid within 10 days.

6. How many FPNs were issued for littering in 2018?

7. How many FPNs issued for Littering in 2018 were paid?

8. How many FPNs issued for Littering in 2018 were prosecuted for failing to pay the FPN?

9. How many FPNs issued for Littering in 2018 were for smoking-related materials e.g. Cigarette butts, rolled up cigarettes or Cigars?

10. Could you confirm which department is responsible for enforcing against dog fouling ?

11. Do you use a private company to enforce against dog fouling ?

12. If you answered yes to question 11, could you confirm the name of the private company?

13. What is the legislation you enforce dog fouling under? e.g. Dog Control Order, fouling of land act or PSPO etc.

14. How many FPNs did you issue for dog fouling in 2018?

15. How many FPNs issued for dog fouling in 2018 were paid?

16. How many FPNs issued for dog fouling in 2018 were prosecuted for failing to pay the FPN?

17. Do you enforce against any other Dog Control Orders or PSPO's that are dog related?

18. What is the full price of a dog fouling FPN?

19. Do you have a discounted price for a dog fouling FPN and if yes, how long is the discounted period? e.g. The FPN will be discounted to £50 if paid within 10 days.


1. Street Scenes and the Joint Enforcement Team are responsible for litter enforcement.

2. We do not have a private company employed to enforce.

3. N/A

4. Full price £150.00

5. Discounted to £75.00 if paid in the first 14 days.

6. Five Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) were issued in 2018

7. All five were paid

8. There were three prosecutions in 2018 for unpaid fines.

9. Three FPNs issued in 2018 were for smoking-related materials.

10. Street Scenes and the Joint Enforcement Team

11. No

12. Not applicable

13. Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) - Borough wide

14. No FPNs were issued for Dog Fouling in 2018

15. Not applicable

16. Not applicable

17. No (Plans in the future to look at other aspects of control)

18. The FPN for dog fouling is £100

19. No discount available for a PSPO related fine.


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