FOI release


Case reference FOI2019/00020

Published 28 May 2019


1. How many people does the council currently employ in communications, press office and/or public relations positions?

2. What was the total annual spend by the council on public relations, press office and communications for the calendar year of 2018?

3. Does the council use any external organisations to handle communications or public relations? If so, which companies are used and how much did the council spend on these services in 2018


Here is the response and context to your questions.

  • How many people does the council currently employ in communications, press office and/or public relations positions? Working with partners, councillors and officers across the Council - the key objectives and responsibilities of the Communications and PR Team are to:
  • The Council has a corporate Communications and PR team rather than a dedicated press office. Media and public relations is just one of the team's areas of responsibility.
  • inform, engage and promote - increasing the understanding of residents, businesses, visitors, partners and stakeholders about the Council's aims and key priorities, the services it provides and how they can get involved in shaping decisions
  • maintain a strong and recognisable Council brand and identity
  • promote and protect the Council's reputation
  • ensure that our workforce is informed and engaged through good internal communications, so that they can represent the Council in the community
  • plan, develop and advise on the strategy and delivery of coordinated communications, marketing and engagement activities across the Council
  • maximise and explore all relevant digital and other cost effective ways to reach our target audiences.
  • The team employs 5.49 people to provide this wide range of communications activities. One Communications and PR Manager, three full-time Communications Officers, one part-time Communications Officer and an Assistant Communications Officer.
  • What was the total annual spend by the council on public relations, press office and communications for the calendar year of 2018?
  • The total expenditure for the team's cost centre for the calendar year 2018 was £414,360. This includes all staffing and other internal Council costs, items for external communications, internal communications, consultation and producing, printing and delivering the Council's quarterly residents' newspaper to all households.
  • Does the council use any external organisations to handle communications or public relations? If so, which companies are used and how much did the council spend on these services in 2018
  • The Council engaged an external PR company called The View to help with some stakeholder engagement mapping for a specific major project in 2018. This cost £9,450.


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