FOI release

Unpaid Council Tax

Case reference FOI2019/00313

Published 16 April 2019


Request for the following information:

1a) The total amount of Council Tax which was unpaid, by municipal year from 2012/13 and including any arrears in 2018/19 to date);

1b) The total amount of Council Tax, which was owed but never paid by Universal Credit claimants since 2012/13 (broken down by municipal year and including any arrears in 2018/19 to date);

1c) The number of households in receipt of Universal Credit which are currently in arrears on their Council Tax;

2) Since the national introduction of Universal Credit from 2013 onwards, has your authority had to reduce the number of housing officers dealing with benefits queries because of a reduction in government funding? If so, please provide figures for government funding and staffing numbers (in Full Time Equivalents) before and after these reductions.


1a) The amount of council tax arrears brought forward at the start of each financial year. These figures encompass all arrears for all previous years outstanding at that point.

2012/13 £3,449,000

2013/14 £3,334,000

2014/15 £3,323,000

2015/16 £3,416,000

2016/17 £2,751,000

2017/18 £2,860,000

2018/19 £3,281,000

1b) Universal credit is administered by the Department for Work & Pensions. We are not provided with a list of current claimants and cannot cross-reference. Customers who claim Local Council Tax Support who are also in receipt of Universal credit will declare that to us. However, our arrears reporting tools are based on debt which is due and has not been paid. The contents of individual Local Council Tax Support claims are not referenced when calculating outstanding arrears totals.

1c) See above

2. No adjustments have been made to the number of Housing Officers dealing with benefits because of a reduction in government funding.


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