FOI release

Cost of Private security contractors

Some or all of the information requested was not provided because we determined that the cost to do so would exceed the appropriate limit.

Case reference FOI2018/01011

Published 10 October 2018


I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act. 1. I would like to know how much this local authority has spent on private security contractors for the calendar years: 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18. 'Private security contractors' can include but is not limited to: security guards, private investigators, and cyber security. For each calendar year please break this down and include the following details: a) Name of contractor b) Value of contract c) Services rendered


Unfortunately we do not hold all the information you have requested in the detail requested, and co-ordinating the information in that form would exceed the 18h hour threshold as laid down in article 12 of the Freedom of Information Act. The cost of compliance therefore exceeds the appropriate limit.

However, as a Council we always seek to be transparent and cooperative in response to FOI requests. So I have added a link to our spotlight on spend site which will have some, but I accept not all of the information you requested. Hopefully you will find this useful.

From here click HOME Button -> Facilities and Management Services -> Facilities Mgmt - Security

Please contact me again if you would like any clarification in response to interrogation of this data. If the scope of the request is narrowed I would anticipate being able to assist you without the need to submit a further FOI request.


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