FOI release

FOI - public meetings/consultations [UNC]

Case reference FOI2020/00195

Published 11 March 2020


1. How many non-statutory public consultations did your council run in the following calendar years: a. 2015 b. 2016 c. 2017 d. 2018 e. 2019

2. How many non-statutory public meetings did your council host in the following calendar years: a. 2015 b. 2016 c. 2017 d. 2018 e. 2019

To make clear, I am not asking for numbers of consultations which the council is obliged to hold, nor meetings which are obliged to be open to the public. My enquiry is regarding non-mandatory meetings and consultations which the council has chosen to run, for instance with a view to getting a deeper understanding of local people's views on a given issue.


1. How many non-statutory public consultations did your council run in the following calendar years:

2015: 2

2016: 2

2017: 2

2018: 6

2019: 7

2. How many non-statutory public meetings did your council host in the following calendar years:

2015: 2

2016: 3

2017: 5

2018: 4

2019: 4


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