FOI release

Homlessness- Military Veterans

Case reference FOI2019/00714

Published 26 July 2019


1) In each of the last 5 years, what was the total expenditure on housing for military veterans who have been made homeless and have sought assistance from the local authority?

2) In each of the last 5 years, what was the total expenditure from homelessness services, including specific amounts for the Housing Revenue Account?

3) What data does the local authority collect to identify and address the specific needs of military veterans?


1) In each of the last 5 years, what was the total expenditure on housing for military veterans who have been made homeless and have sought assistance from the local authority? This information is not held separately to other homelessness related expenditure.

2) In each of the last 5 years, what was the total expenditure from homelessness services, including specific amounts for the Housing Revenue Account? As above.

3) What data does the local authority collect to identify and address the specific needs of military veterans? Military veterans and their families may apply for the Council's housing register. The allocation scheme makes specific reference to these on pages 8 and 41- available at .The Council holds information on the numbers applying and their individual needs. They may also make homelessness applications under the Housing Act 1996 Pt VII (as amended) and information on numbers applying and their needs are held on the Council's case management system.

The Council's local military covenant is available at


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