FOI release

Filthy and Verminous Properties

Case reference FOI2019/00721

Published 29 July 2019


Please provide separate figures for each calendar year, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.

1. How many statutory notices have been served under section 83 of the Public Health Act 1936?

2. Of the notices seved, for each year, how many were: a. Complied with b. Works undertaken in default c. Subject to judicial review (please provide reason and details) d. Other please provide details

3. How many of the individuals you served section 83 notices on were referred to Safeguarding?

4. Do have additional written procedures to help prevent cases recurring in the future (please provided details)?

5. Do you work in collaboration/ partnership with other agencies when trying to resolve problems with people living in filthy conditions? Please provide details of the types of organisation

6. How many of these individuals have you served a section 83 notice on multiple times? Kind regards


1. How many statutory notices have been served under section 83 of the Public Health Act 1936?

2015- 2

2016 -1



2. Of the notices seved, for each year, how many were: a. Complied with b. Works undertaken in default c. Subject to judicial review (please provide reason and details) d. Other please provide details

2015-All complied,

2016 All complied,

2017 All complied,

2018- Works were in default, but funded by family.

3. How many of the individuals you served section 83 notices on were referred to Safeguarding?

None, several were known to Social Services who did the referrals.

4. Do have additional written procedures to help prevent cases recurring in the future (please provided details)?

We use RH Environmental Procedures.

5. Do you work in collaboration/ partnership with other agencies when trying to resolve problems with people living in filthy conditions? Please provide details of the types of organisation

Social Services, Surrey County Council and Private Sector Housing, Guildford Borough Council, Waverley and Guildford Care and Repair (HIA)

6. How many of these individuals have you served a section 83 notice on multiple times?



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