Please provide the following as a Freedom of Information request.
(1) The annual costs for the Chantry Wood campsite going back 15 years, i.e. from 2018-19 to 2003-04 inclusive. To be broken out as they are in the forecast in section 3.3 of the document provided to the Executive Committee on 7th Jan 2019 called "Item 06 2 - Chantry Wood Campsite - App 2 - Future Options.pdf".See below: 3.3. Estimated Operational Cost: Total: £10,000 Wardening (incl cleaning) £5,000 Admin: (without automated booking system) £2,000 Management Re-charge: £500 Facilities: Electricity, Water, Cesspit emptying, Legionella checks etc.: £1,000 R&M: £1,000 Services: Fire Wood supply, Waste Removal etc: £500
(2) For the same time period, to explain how the wardening cost is estimated. Is it just a fraction of an FTE? If so, please provide the fraction of FTE that it was each year.
(3) For the same time period, to explain how the admin cost is estimated. If it is a fraction of an FTE, please say what fraction it was each year.
(4) Please explain why there is electricity on the list of costs above, when there is no electricity supply at the campsite.
(5) For the same time period as above, please provide the following information about visitors: (a) per annum total numbers (b) per annum total bookings (c) price per person night for each year (d) income reported for the campsite. Some of this information has already been shared - see below: I am asking for the blanks to be be filled in: Visitors Bookings Income Pppn 1 2003-04 2 2004-05 3 2005-06 4 2006-07 5 2007-08 6 2009-10 7 2010-11 8 2011-12 9 2012-13 £ 6.10 10 2013-14 £ 3.00 11 2014-15 12 2015-16 1767 107 £ 4,023 £ 3.00 13 2016-17 1898 101 £ 5,031 £ 3.50 14 2017-18 1263 86 £ 4,695 £ 4.50 15 2018-19 1441 £ 4.75 16 2019-20 £ 4.75
(6) For the same time period as above, please provide (a) the split between families and organisations; (b) how many visitors are Scouts/Guides/similar, (c) how many are from schools. Please provide this in terms of both visitors and bookings.